How to Start Bible Journaling: Basics You Need to Know

by Autum
A Bible journal open with blue highlights and a pink ribbon bookmark.

Ready to dive deeper into your faith? It’s time to learn how to start Bible journaling! Using a Bible journal is a beloved way to study the Word on a more personal level. By connecting with Scripture in this deeply creative way, you can see your favorite verses in a new light.

Together, let’s explore what Bible journaling is all about and everything you need to get started.

What is Bible Journaling?

The art of Bible journaling is a meaningful, fun, and creative way to engage with God’s Word. When you practice, it’s like having a conversation with the Bible. By expressing yourself through your art and writing, you can gain a deeper understanding of what you’re reading. 

Imagine bringing your favorite verse to life with colors, drawings, and words right on the pages of your Bible. A beautiful drawing can bring back memories and remind you of deeper meanings within the text. On the other hand, many of us choose to write in a Bible journal in a separate notebook. This comes with its own advantages—like a scrapbook, the sky is the limit for your creativity when it comes to expressing how you feel about Scripture.

That’s the magic of Bible journaling for the first time – exploring how you feel about Scripture. What does a verse make you imagine? Can you picture a scene in your mind? Do the words of God evoke a strong feeling in your heart? Whatever emotion Christ compels in you with the Bible, the patient practice of Bible journaling allows you to feel it to the fullest.

Why Try Bible Journaling?

Adding a practice of Bible journaling to your routine has so many benefits. Here are a few of our favorite reasons to try Bible journaling: 

  • Bible study becomes more engaging and personal
  • Remember what you’ve read more easily – writing triggers robust brain activity!
  • Allows you to express your creativity fully
  • More time spent deepens your understanding of Scripture
  • Creates a beautiful physical record of your journey of faith
  • Experience prayer in a refreshing, intimate way

You don’t need to be an artist or a writer to start Bible journaling. Anyone can express themselves openly in front of God, no matter what their skill level or supplies. The most crucial part of starting a journaling practice with the Bible is that you meaningfully connect with God’s word. 

Getting Started: What You’ll Need

While you don’t need many supplies to get started with Bible journaling, we’ve found that having a few tools at hand makes it easier to get started. If you’re ready to jump in, gather the following:

  • A journaling Bible or a separate notebook
  • Colored pencils, pens, or markers
  • Pens for writing
  • Highlighters

Optional supplies include a ruler for straight lines, stickers, washi tape, and anything you can think to decorate with! Dried flowers and leaves can be a wonderful addition to your journal – nearly anything you might put in a scrapbook or personal art journal can find a home in your Bible journal.

Above all, don’t worry about getting fancy, especially as you start Bible journaling. Meet God where you are with what you have, and gather more supplies as you grow to learn how you express yourself. Challenge yourself to truly connect with the Scripture with what you have and be grateful for it.

Choosing Your Bible or Journal

The art of Bible journaling can be accomplished in a few different ways, but the easiest to get started with are:

  1. Journaling Bible: These Bibles are printed with extra-wide margins and space for notes, drawings, and reflections. Many feature beautiful covers and additional pages for you to freely create art based on the beauty of the Word. This type of Bible is fantastic if you want to keep everything in the same place.
  1. Separate Journal: For those working from a family Bible or online app, a separate notebook may be the way to go. Any notebook will do—from thoughtfully bound leather journals to dollar-store spiral-bound lined paper. Use what you have and copy verses as you go. This journal is ideal for those looking to get started quickly and have more room to reflect.

Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to use your Bible journal! Find what works best for you through trial and error by meeting with God every time your heart longs for creativity and expression. The more you use your Bible journal, the more full of life and passion your practice will become, so it’s more important to get started rather than worrying over the details.

A wonderful way to start Bible journaling - A journal in Spanish is open to a page decorated with roses and held against the sky.

Choosing What to Journal

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work.

– 2 Timothy 3:16-17  (BSB)

One of the most intimidating parts when you start a Bible journal is not knowing where to start. While we all worship differently, there are a few tried-and-true techniques you can use to get started with your practice. If you’re stuck on the first page, give one of these Bible journaling tips and tricks a try:

  • Start with your favorite verse, passage, or book
  • Follow your church’s sermon series
  • Choose a book of the Bible to work through from start to finish
  • Use a Bible reading plan, devotional, or podcast as a guide
  • Discover verses that relate to your life and journal around them

Most importantly, choose to start with something that speaks to you. The main goal when you start Bible journaling is to grow in your faith and seek connection with God. Above all, follow your heart and find the wealth of knowledge where the Lord leads you.

Simple Techniques to Bible Journal For The First Time

Ready to start your journey with this exciting way of spending time with the Bible? With supplies and format figured out, let’s take a look at a few ways you can ease into Bible journaling. If nothing calls out to you – go where He leads and let yourself become truly immersed in the Scripture. 

1. Highlighting and Underlining

Highlighting and underlining is a simple way to get started. There are a variety of ways you can use your highlighters to organize your thoughts or express your feelings. As an example, you can color code verses – yellow for promises, green for commands, and blue for your favorite verses. Find a system that works for you and spend contemplating the meaning of each verse as you go.

2. Adding Notes

Your Bible journal is the perfect place to express yourself in words. Write your thoughts about a verse or even a single line. Pray with god in the margins. Ask your questions and express your deepest feelings. Don’t worry about saying everything “right” or stress about your handwriting. Leave everything in God’s hands, and let your words flow!

3. Drawing and Doodling

Artistry of any level is welcome when you start Bible journaling. Even simple icons and doodles can represent how you feel. Represent your love with hearts or designate a symbol for verses you want to deeply consider or learn more about. As you grow in your practice of journaling in your Bible, you’ll learn what type of art suits your worship style best. 

4. Using Letter Art

Letter art is a fantastic way to make words, phrases, or even entire verses stand out. Use your imagination or browse online for inspiration on fonts, colors, and accents to bring your Bible study to life. The art of writing letter art is a wonderful practice to work into your Bible journal so you can see your progress over time!

5. Adding Decorative Elements

This is where stickers, washi tape, and scrapbook skills shine! Decorating your Bible with these elements doesn’t require any advanced art skills. Additionally, stickers and tape “pop” off the page and help focus your attention. Washi tape makes an excellent border around copied Scripture in separate Bible journals. 

Above all, remember that we are here to worship the Lord. We want to engage with the text and the full meaning of the Scripture, not create a masterpiece. Don’t worry about making things perfect – your goal is to have an authentic connection with God! 

Making Time for Bible Journaling

With a busy life, when is it possible to make time for Bible journaling? For some, it’s easier to slip in extra time with the Lord during our regularly scheduled devotional time. However, some of us have never had a structured time for prayer or worship in the home or the time to form a new habit. 

Here are some tips to help you make a habit of using your Bible journal:

  • Set aside time that works for you, even just 10 minutes each morning or evening
  • Make Bible journaling tied to a trigger – journal before or after church, for example
  • Journal in the same spot every time, with all your materials gathered
  • Aim for small, simple goals to start – aiming too high can lead to discouragement
  • Consider journaling part of your regular worship time – not to replace, but to supplement
  • Set a schedule that works for you – daily Bible journaling may take some time to build up

Bible journaling shouldn’t be stressful or become just another chore on your list. Finding the natural rhythms that God works in our lives can take time and creativity. Be patient with yourself as you work to add this (or any) new habit. Don’t worry if it takes you a few attempts or different approaches to build a flourishing Bible journal habit – stick with it!

Growing in Your Bible Journaling Practice

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

– Psalms 119:105 (BSB)

There is so much potential as you grow in your Bible journal practice to try new ideas. Staying engaged with the Word is the main reason we do this, and the more you grow comfortable with interacting with your Bible, the more creative you will naturally become. Here are a few of our favorite ways to keep Bible journaling engaging: 

  • Using your journal as a place for deeper study and prayer
  • Experimenting with Bible journal prompts
  • Gathering inspiration from online communities and local groups
  • Trying new art supplies such as watercolors, glitter pens, and ombre pencils
  • Starting a local Bible journal group or finding a Bible journal buddy
  • Connecting your Bible journal and studying with the changing of the seasons

Dedication to Start Bible Journaling

In the end, the decision to start Bible journaling is a deeply personal journey that will change as you change from the benefits of the practice itself. What works for someone online or in your group may not be the best for you – and that’s perfectly okay! Whatever works to strengthen your relationship with God and His Word is a win. Each one of us should have a Bible journal that reflects who we are made in His glorious image. 

The verse "Be still and know that I am God." written in black marker over blue and purple watercolor.

If you’re looking for a way to engage with Scripture on a personal and creative level, give Bible journaling a try. It’s a wonderful way to bring God’s Word to life in ways that you may have never considered before. As you grow, it also becomes a tangible record of your faith journey. Starting simple and growing your practice into a beautiful, cherished ritual over time is one of life’s greatest joys. 

Even if you’re not an artist, or a writer, or consider yourself creative at all – Bible journaling is for you. The depths offered when you open up your heart to receiving Scripture cannot be compared with anything else. So, grab the supplies you have and open your Bible to get started today!

Overcoming Common Concerns | Bible Journaling Frequently Asked Questions

We were all once beginners in Bible journaling full of questions and excitement. As you start Bible journaling, refer to the answers below to help you ease into the practice. 

Can I Bible journal if I’m not artistic? Am I creative enough to Bible journal?

The main goal of using your Bible journal is to connect with God’s Word and find peace, understanding, and love within the pages. Bible journaling is never about creating glorious art worthy of being hung in a museum. Everything from simple doodles to underlining and highlighting Scripture is a worthy use of your time. It doesn’t matter if your art is simple or a complex masterpiece – all that matters is giving your glory to God through your work.

Do I have to write in my Bible to Bible journal? I don’t want to mess it up!

There’s no need to write directly in your Bible if it makes you uncomfortable. Personally, I only Bible journal in a separate notebook that I copy Scripture into. If this strategy doesn’t appeal to you, there are also a wide variety of Bibles designed for journaling in mind, with extra margins and pages for all your work. 

What do you write in a Bible journal? I don’t know what to write!

One of the best ways to start writing in your Bible journal is to note a verse that stands out to you. Whether that is one of your favorite verses or an iconic one (such as John 3:16) is up to you. Add your thoughts, questions, or a short prayer and any additional words that come to mind. Decorate with drawings, stickers, or symbols. This is a simple way to start – as you practice, you’ll find a rhythm and style that works for you.

When do I find the time to Bible journal?

When first starting out, even just a few minutes of journaling can kickstart a meaningful habit. There’s no need to find the time to create an elaborate page when you first Bible journal. Find time during your mornings, lunches, or evenings for a few quick notes, highlights, or thoughts. As you make a point to find that time within your day, you will discover more opportunities for focusing on your Bible journaling and God’s presence in general. 

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