10 Prayer Journal Prompts for Recognizing God’s Blessings

by Autum

In our busy every day lives, it’s easy to take our countless blessings for granted. As Christian women, we are called to live grateful lives every day of the year – not just during the holiday season. Thankfully, God has given us so much to be thankful for! Building a habit of gratitude is a worthwhile, richly rewarding task that will bring you closer to the Lord.

As we look to cultivate a thankful heart, join us in reflecting on these ten prayer journal prompts. Watch as your faith transforms over time, growing stronger as you spend more time with our Saviour in thoughtful prayer. Let’s dive into thought-provoking questions designed to help you grow in your practice of gratitude!

How do you express gratitude to God in your daily life?

Showing our dear Creator gratitude is a fundamental aspect of our faith. Sharing all that you are thankful for is a wonderful way to grow closer to God. Acknowledging His presence, His goodness, and His grace refreshes us in every aspect of our lives. When we actively practice gratitude in this way, we’re shifting our focus away from the world and what it lacks and fixing our eyes on His kingdom.

  • I feel gratitude when I wake up and…
  • My heart fills with thankfulness as I sit down for a meal and…
  • I find myself whispering a quick “thank you” when…

What moments of gratitude can you reflect on from the past week?

One of the best ways to cultivate gratitude realistically is through reflection. Taking the time to look on recent events – even in just the past week – we can discover numerous examples of joy, growth, and grace provided by the Lord. By regularly reflecting on all God’s glory, we make sure that we savor the blessings we may overlook in the moment. Over time, our everyday perspective grows ever more grateful.

  • I felt a surge of gratitude when my friend called and…
  • Looking back, I’m thankful for how God helped me handle…
  • That beautiful moment when I saw…

What are some small blessings you often overlook?

Today’s hectic pace makes it all too easy to take our blessings for granted. The impact these small blessings have in our daily lives is anything but small – God’s glory builds the foundation of our daily lives. Learning how to notice, appreciate, and thank the Lord for these gifts that we often overlook is a wonderful way to cultivate a deeper connection with Him. 

  • The simple pleasure of turning on the tap and…
  • The comfort I feel when I put on…
  • The gift of being able to read and…

How has practicing gratitude changed your perspective?

Gratitude has the power to transform any heart, any time, any place. The power that a grateful heart can have in shifting our focus is immense. The change in perspective that looking for the bright side brings is foundational when building a relationship with God.

  • I’ve started to notice more often how…
  • Challenges don’t seem as daunting when I…
  • My relationships have improved because…

What are some ways you can show gratitude to others?

Showing gratitude is a basic tenant of the virtue – expressing your thankfulness is key. Actively showing others appreciation is a form of love that blesses all. A practice of regularly showing gratitude will work wonders on your relationships with others, yourself, and your ultimate relationship with Christ. 

  • I could write a note to…
  • Maybe I could surprise someone by…
  • I want to tell [person] how much I appreciate…

How does reflecting on God’s goodness inspire gratitude?

Reflecting on God’s glory throughought time and history (as well as in our personal lives) is a foolproof way of filling your cup with gratitude. Reminding ourselves of His constant love, care, grace, and mercy is a wellspring of strength as you seek to be more thankful in your daily life.

  • When I read about God’s faithfulness in the Bible, I…
  • Thinking about how God has turned my mistakes into blessings…
  • God’s love overwhelms me when…

In what ways do you show God gratitude for His blessings?

Showing God how thankful we are for him goes beyond saying “thank you”. By living our lives in a way that honors Him, we show our Creator how thankful we are. Using our blessings for His good is an act of gratitude that deepens our relationship with God and His world around us. 

  • I could use my talent for [skill] to…
  • Sharing my testimony might help others see…
  • I feel led to give more towards…

How does being thankful affect your mental and emotional health?

Building a habit of gratitude has tangible benefits beyond our spiritual life. Research has shown that regularly showing gratitude can lead to increase happiness, reduced stress, and overall improved life satisfaction. As our overall wellbeing is a gift from God and it is our duty to maintain the bodies He has given us to the best of our ability, gratitude is a low effort, high reward way to “tune up” your whole system.

  • I notice my mood lifting when I…
  • Choosing gratitude instead of worry helps me…
  • Focusing on thankfulness boosts my confidence by…

How does your gratitude strengthen your faith?

The ideas and virtues of gratitude and faith are strongly connected. As we build gratitude into our lives, we become even more aware of God’s fingerprints everywhere. This, in turn, strengthens our trust in Him. This positive cycle of gratitude and faith brings you ever closer to God and His path for you. 

  • Looking back at God’s faithfulness makes me…
  • Being thankful opens my eyes to…
  • Gratitude deepens my relationship with God by…

What part of your faith are you most thankful for, and why?

Each different part of our faith offers us something: hope, comfort, guidance, and so many more wonderful virtues. Identifying which aspects of our faith we’re most grateful for deepens our appreciation for God’s great gift of our salvation. As you see these workings of God in your life, you can turn to them again and again in times of need to bolster your faith. 

  • The peace of knowing my eternity is secure…
  • Having a personal relationship with God means…
  • Being part of a community of believers has…

God Provides So Much to Be Thankful For

In short, thankfulness is more than a feeling – it’s a choice that we make each day as we commit ourselves fully to Christ. Cultivating gratitude opens our hearts up to the Lord, softens our attitudes to those around us, and moves us closer to a more content life. Serving the Lord with a thankful heart is one of the biggest choices we can make in our lives to seek peace and prosperity.

I urge you to take these questions and reflections with you into your Scripture journal practice and even into your daily life. Use them to challenge yourself or to guide you during your quiet time with God when you just aren’t sure where to start approaching the topic of gratitude but it’s been on your mind. As you work with these questions and the ones that spring forth from your time with the Lord, watch how your mindset shifts, your faith deepens, and your heart becomes full of the love of Christ. 

Remember – we seek the journey with God’s grace as we build a life of gratitude, not the destination. Some days will challenge you more than others. In these times, lean into God’s goodness and be thankful for the ability He has given us to be grateful in the first place!

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