How to Create a Bible Journal Routine That Works for You

by Autum

Are you looking to create a meaningful Bible journal routine that works for you? This creative practice is a fantastic way to connect with the Word in new ways. Many of us would love to incorporate new habits into our current worship routines, but we need help finding strategies for success. 

Today, we’ve gathered the information you need to create a Bible journaling routine that helps you grow spiritually and connect with God on a deeper level. As you begin to use your journal more, you’ll notice patterns within yourself, the Word, and the world around you. Whether you can devote an hour each day or an hour each week, by learning how to use a Bible journal, you give yourself another powerful tool of spiritual warfare. 

Ready to reap the benefits of a Bible journal routine? Let’s dive into what it takes to get started, stay motivated, and find what works for you.

What is Bible Journaling?

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

– Hebrews 4:12 (BSB)

As a quick refresher, a Bible journal is a way to connect with Scripture through writing, drawing, and creative media. The main idea is to express your thoughts, feelings, insights, and prayers as you delve deep into reading the Word. The methods for Bible journaling are vast – with believers choosing from specially printed Bibles with margins for journaling, notebooks, or digital means to create their Bible journal practice. There’s no right or wrong way to use this incredible tool to connect with God. We should feel encouraged to start where we are in our quest to grow a deeper relationship with the Lord. 

Getting Started with Your Bible Journaling Routine

1. Create Your Space

When you start a Bible journal routine, you’ll want to have all your supplies ready before you begin each session. Whether you use a dedicated journaling Bible or a reference Bible and notebook, keep it in the same place as you do all your art supplies. This includes your pens, pencils, highlighters, and embellishments. If you can’t find a dedicated space to keep all your materials out in the open, consider a small basket or box to cut down on clutter while keeping it all together. You can even include some of your favorite devotional books and resources to help set the mood inside!

2. Set Aside Time

No two believers have the same experiences with God; finding what time works for you in a Bible journal routine is essential. While most conventional advice recommends starting your day off with the Lord, I personally have the most consistency and a deeper connection with God when I use my Bible journal in the evening right before bed. Experiment to see what time works best not only for your schedule, but for your heart, mind, and soul. 

Free time does not always equal the best time for a thoughtful task; it’s better to be realistic and consistent in a short routine than aim for a pie-in-the-sky fantasy you’ll stop trying to even attempt after a few days. 

A simple practice that starts from just a dozen minutes a day can bring huge dividends to your spiritual health. As you grow into your Bible journaling practice, you can lengthen your sessions or increase the frequency of how often you journal. Working up from a solid foundation gives you the consistency needed to begin deep dives into theological topics that weigh on your heart, study particular books in the Bible, and practice the art of Lectio Divina

3. Choose Your Approach

There are a variety of ways to start a Bible journaling routine. Keeping things simple at the start can profoundly affect your ability to stick to your new plan. Here are a few tried-and-true approaches to writing in your Bible journal to get you started:

  • Follow a chronological Bible reading plan that walks through the historical order.
  • Select a topic and focus on Scripture with that specific theme.
  • Go book-by-book through the Bible in order.
  • Journal along with the teachings of your church.

As always, find the plan that works best for you. Each of us has our own spiritual goals along the path we walk with Christ – keep a close eye on how your chosen plan fits your life. It’s always okay to switch to a new plan!

Making Your Bible Journaling Routine Personal

Every Bible journal routine is uniquely personal. Each one of us connects with God in our own way, and this is especially true as we soak in His Word. Some love to start their Bible journaling routine with quiet time, meditation, and prayer, while others save it for the end. I personally start each session with a sentence or two of gratitude for God – thanking Him for everything from the simple goodness of each day to the big and beautiful expressions of His grace in my life.

There are two ways to approach building the start of your routine—do something that energizes you and makes you want to continue, or focus on something you would like to build up in your life. If you want to spend more time reading Scripture, devote most of your time to reading and the remainder to soaking in the Word and expressing how it moves you through creativity. 

If focusing on something you’re not used to seems too tricky initially, entice yourself by front-loading the fun parts! There is no one way to use a Bible journal. Try incorporating different media types into your practice to motivate and encourage you to become deeply embedded in the Word. After particularly hard days, worship music, hymns, Psalms, and my favorite spiritual podcasts can ease me into quiet, reflective time with the Lord.

Express yourself however you see fit in your Bible journal. Draw pictures or symbols, create word art of verses, or use mind maps to connect different ideas. Embellish with stickers, stencils, tape, and more – or leave it relatively simple. The choice when you use a Bible journal is yours. Don’t worry about what your journal looks like compared to others, and start soaking in the feeling of being engaged with the Word.

Overcoming Challenges in Your Bible Journaling Routine

Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize of God’s heavenly calling in Christ Jesus.

– Philippians 3:13-14 (BSB)

Even the most noble of habits come with challenges. Learning to weave your time with your Bible journal into your life may come easily, but there is no shame if you struggle to find time. Strategies such as waking up earlier, incorporating your practice into lunchtime, reclaiming time lost to social media scrolling, or tying your Bible journal habit to a trigger (i.e., you always journal immediately after your morning shower as your hair dries) can help. Here’s a wonderful secular source about building good habits if you need additional help.

Remember: consistency is key. Plant the seed of spending time with the Lord in your heart, and watch it flourish each time you engage with your Bible journal routine.

If the feeling of a blank page is overwhelming to you, find ways to ease yourself into writing, drawing, and soaking in the Word. As I shared earlier, you can open each entry in your journal with thanks and praise. Another good opener is a simple prayer or request, whether for you or your loved ones. Incorporate resources such as prayer or journal prompts, spiritual study guides, or quotes from Christians who have impacted your life (especially from your own life!) 

The most important idea is that you must start. By using the aids at your disposal to learn, grow, and eventually build a thriving Bible journal practice on your own.

God has given you many gifts and has never required perfection. We do not endeavor to create a masterpiece, garner likes on social media, or impress ourselves. Encourage yourself to allow mistakes, adventure down branching paths, and try new things as you journal. Focus on the Word and how this practice brings you closer to the Lord.

Staying Motivated in Your Bible Journaling Journey

Any new routine requires self-discipline, not mere motivation, to keep in place. If you are still working on your own self-discipline (which keeping a Bible journal itself is excellent to nurture), you will need to use motivation to keep yourself consistent. Let’s take a look at a few ideas for finding inspiration when you need a spark:

  • Pray about using your journal and how God sees this tool in your life.
  • Join a community of others who Bible journal for support, inspiration, and ideas.
  • Track your progress – total sessions, pages, or key insights. Whatever keeps you going!
  • Journal in a new location, from your kitchen to the coffee shop.
  • Breathe new life into a consistent routine with new supplies or a new reading plan.

Above all, be content with the fact that your Bible journal is a physical manifestation of your commitment to spending time with the Lord. That should motivate you to add to the pages. When your heart is full of His Word, a thriving Bible journal practice can become essential to how you process the world around you.

Find Patience Within Your Journal Bible Practice

Overall, this process is extremely personal and can be difficult as you settle into a routine. A Bible journal is a precious tool to have in your spiritual toolkit. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach, so it can be hard to see if we’re “doing it right.” 

Thankfully, there’s no wrong way to use a Bible journal. As long as you engage with the Scripture and meaningfully enrich your spiritual life, you’re doing it right!  

Be patient with yourself as you start your journal with your Bible journal. The process itself is what helps us grow closer to God. If you’re ready to discover insights, blessings, and more about yourself – grab a pen, a copy of the Bible, and start exploring the glory of His Word.

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