7 Bible Journal Questions to Renew Your Prayer Life

by Autum

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, are you looking for a deeper prayer life? Strengthening our connection with God requires diligence and self-reflection. In this collection of prayer Scripture journal prompts, we explore the power of prayer and how we interact with God. 

As you answer these questions, reflect on your relationship with our Lord and pray for insight, inspiration, and guidance. Through serious self-reflection, you can strengthen your relationship with Christ. As your faith grows, revisiting your answers can offer a unique perspective on your growth and your personal beliefs. 

After each question, we’ll provide a brief explanation of our thoughts and three possible ways to start your answer. Don’t feel constrained to just our examples or even just our questions! If these questions prompt more profound thoughts and spur you in a specific direction, follow God’s guiding hand and go where He wants you to!

Ready to start exploring how you use prayer in your life? Read on to discover the simple questions that can help you unlock a whole new world of worship. 

How do you feel after spending time in prayer?

The power of prayer is transformative. Time with the Lord can bolster everything from our emotional state to our logical reasoning. Reflect on your feelings after prayer to better understand how it impacts your daily life, journey with Christ, and overall spiritual health. 

  • I feel…
  • Prayer leaves me…
  • After praying, I notice…

What prayers have brought you the most comfort and strength?

Turning to powerful prayers is a surefire way to uplift our souls in challenging times. Specific prayers, from homebrewed pleas to Christ to sacred prayers such as The Lord’s Prayer, have a unique way of offering solace and comfort in His presence. Knowing what prayers help you cultivate strength and peace is a powerful tool to have in your daily life.

  • The prayer that comforts me most is…
  • I find strength in…
  • When I need reassurance, I turn to…

How do you incorporate Scripture into your prayers?

God’s Word adds richness to our prayers, and incorporating them into our daily lives deepens our understanding of His promises. Many faithful unknowingly weave the common themes and threads of the Bible into their prayers without even noticing! Intentionally speaking His Word in your prayers and exploring new ways to add Scripture to your conversations with God can lead to profound effects on your faith.

  • I often start my prayers with…
  • During prayer, I like to meditate on…
  • I use Scripture to…

What are some benefits you’ve experienced from consistent prayer?

Building a regular habit of prayer comes with an unimaginable host of benefits. From our relationship with Christ to our mental health, prayer has a powerful effect on us. A practice of daily prayer can completely change our outlook, and recognizing the benefits gives us the motivation to maintain (or build) a habit of prayer. 

  • Since praying regularly, I’ve noticed…
  • Consistent prayer has helped me…
  • One unexpected benefit of prayer has been…

How do you pray for others, and how does it impact you?

The ability to thoughtfully practice intercessory prayer is incredibly important. There is no better way to show love and support for those around you than by praying for them. By reflecting on how you pray for others, you can find new ways to approach this beautiful form of prayer and see the benefits in your own life.

  • When praying for others, I usually…
  • Praying for others has taught me…
  • I’ve noticed that intercession…

How has your prayer life changed over the past year?

Each one of us has the blessing of a dynamic, ever-changing relationship with God. Our prayer lives are often a reflection of the seasons in our lives. Learning to examine your approach to prayer critically can lead to insights that strengthen your faith journey. 

  • Over the past year, my prayers have become…
  • I’ve started to…
  • The biggest change in my prayer life has been…

How do you express your needs and desires in prayer?

We all bring our hopes, dreams, drama, and needs to our dear God. Unburdening ourselves before Christ is an essential part of prayer. Asking yourself how you communicate with our Saviour can spark surprising answers. By studying how you express yourself in prayer, you can find ways to speak with Him more authentically, vulnerably, and honestly.

  • When expressing my needs in prayer, I…
  • I approach my desires by…
  • To be honest with God about my struggles, I…

Remember that each of us has a unique story that God is weaving into our lives. Our prayer life will naturally change with the ebbs and flows of the lives He has given us. We hope these questions inspire you to explore your prayer life and pursue an ever-deeper relationship with God.

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